Note to one self: Use a2enmod instead of  writing symlinks manually in the config file..

# sudo a2enmod


It's been a long time since the last time I set up a Linux-server with Apache. At the moment I have a lot of time to fool around with this kind of thing,,,again. The only difference this time is that the server is a VM running inside of windows 10(host). The VM software(and the host-machine hardware) is so good that I do not actually feel that there is anything different from running Linux on seperate (older model) hardware, than running it on one thread on my i7(with some precautionaries).

The github site for XMRig is kind of "cheap" on detailed descriptions on how to build the source-code for OpenSuSE, but I did actually find out how, eventually.

I'm a big fan of OpenSuSE, and I've used openSuSE many years now. I've used openSuSE as a server(running Apache, MySQL, and so forth), and as a client doing dual-boots. I'm running a client(for the first time) on a laptop, but I find it quite difficult(it's really too small for me(seems like at least)) to work on.

Når man driver en server så bør man ha litt øye for sikkerhet spesielt der man driver sider hvor man sender brukernavn og passord mellom klient<-->tjener. Har egentlig aldri tenkt så veldig mye på dette temaet da jeg har trodd/tenkt at det er greit nok bare man får serverent(tjeneren) til å fungere med sertifikatet man har skaffet seg.


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