I'm a big fan of OpenSuSE, and I've used openSuSE many years now. I've used openSuSE as a server(running Apache, MySQL, and so forth), and as a client doing dual-boots. I'm running a client(for the first time) on a laptop, but I find it quite difficult(it's really too small for me(seems like at least)) to work on.

To get away from the dual-boot difficulties I thought that installing a virtual-box on my windwos 10 client might be a bit better. Bigger screen, a nice big keyboard, and a mouse, without making changes to the boot-sector and f***ng that up, which sometimes happens when windows get confused(or I get confused). No worries. The only one I knew about was VMWare, and it's pricy....very. Since the last time I tried (trial version of VMWare or a cracked version?????I don't remember), there's a lot that's happened apparently. A guick search in Google gave me some tips. I went for the first option: VirtualBox by Oracle. Oracle is known for good quality and it's a name I know. It's as they say on their web-site:

Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.

For me that's important. I had no idea if it would work or not for OpenSuSE LEAP 15, but there's only one way to find out. I had one disk 120GB SSD drive free, so it's just to jump into it. The download is about 111MB. Fast download. I'm not going to make a how-to on installing. There's enough of that, but the installation process was flawless, fast and absolutely no problems. One tip though, is to have the installation image of yor OS ready. I thought I could install from my USB, and that did NOT go so well. I had to search for a TIP on how-to install after the virtual-drive was created. Here's the link I used.

The software also warned med about upgrading the virtual-guest tools and software for the guest OS(in my case OpenSuSE). I did not actually find the software in yast so I had to do a google search again. I came to this site https://en.opensuse.org/VirtualBox. I got to remove the software that needs to be updated but I did not get to update or install anything. (There was a lot of other updates, but that's another thing). I went into yast again and searched for "virtual guest" and found what I was looking for.

So there you have it. It was done in a very short time I would say. Without knowing what I was doing I actually made it through without any problems.

When it comes to installation-ease I can happily and easily recommend Oracles Virtual Machine box.


Some time later I installed a server based on OpenSUSE LEAP 15. I'm only sunning Apache2 and a ssh-daemon. And it's only running on 1 thread on my Intel-i7 CPU. Which is kind of impressive I would say. No lag or anything. The story is otherwise on the desktop version. It's runing KDE-plasma GUI, and ofcourse the lag is there. It's on the verge of being irritating. It's runing on two threads and the video memory is a bit low. But it works for my purpose. Here's a pic of all of it working in my windows10 environment:

And that little black box is actually running allright. I got my server up as you can see from the pic below of my testing-site 355k.net. And I've installed a security cerficate through "Let's Encrypt". Very nice :