After a year(a year??? (maybe 2,5years )) of Fallout76 the game is actually turning to be allright. I've played it alot since the official launch, and my bad review of the game in the article Fallout 76 - one week and going . After reaching level ≈150 (I don't remember exactly) I found out I had messed up my talents, so I wanted to start from the beginning. It felt easier to start over. Anyway..what I'm going to talk about here is the situation where your keyboard has another keymapping than the english. My keyboard is a Norwegian-QWERTY type of keyboard, with all it's quirks compared to an english keyboard.
The favorites wheel in Fallout 76 consist of 12 shortcut-keys, hardcoded(I say hardcoded, because we can't change it), which are the following:
- Numerical keys: 0-9 (translates equally in Norwegian and English keyboard)
- Keys: '-' and '=', which translate as '+' and '\' on the norwegian keyboard
The problem with this is that there is actually no way I can program my Razer Naga mouse to hit the right keys when I want to get to those favorited items. And most importantly: There is now way I can hit those keys with a Norwegian keyboard so that it translates the right way in Fallout 76.
The only way, is to change the keyboard-layout on your operating system.
I'm using Windows 10 by the way. And using a Razer Naga Chroma mouse with 12 sidebuttons, and what-nots. So what I did was to set up HOT-keys for Norwegian and english keyboard-mapping. Like this: Settings->Time & Language->Spelling, Typing & keyboard settings->Advanced keyboard settings->Input Language hot keys. You should end up with a dialog-box like the picture below. Just assign anything of your liking:
In the Razer Naga chroma panel create 2 macros(record 2 macros) that does just that. Switch keyboard-mapping. See pic below:
Then we can assign a macro to your mouse so we do not have to click on all kinds of windows to do this same tedious boring operation:
Now we've done what has to be done. The next step is to assign the missing keys for the Fallout 76 favorite key-mapping, when NOT having an english keyboard.
Keep in mind that when assigning these keys/functions in Razer Naga be sure to use the English keyboard-mapping
Of course: If you don't have a Razer Naga Chroma mouse; switch keyboard-mapping like I explained on top of the article.
The problem with creating the different key-mappings is that it is not saved. So you have to do some additional steps to save it. Believe it or not...I'm just going to link you to the solution on how to do this. It's for windows 8, but can easily be translated/understood for windows 10.