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- Written by Frode Meek
- Parent Category: Datorer
- Category: Programmering
- Hits: 761
After(a lot of time after(more acurately 2020.04.13)) making the application I wrote about in this article(My first C# Application), I found out that I had to get control of the grids and the positioning classes/utilities, like StackPanels and DockPanels, to get the controls positioned where you want/expect them. You will see the whole example at the end. I just have to talk a little bit about it.
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- Written by Frode Meek
- Parent Category: Datorer
- Category: Programmering
- Hits: 840
Sounds very formal...but it's not..I've made a couple of things in C# because I tried out Talking SOAP with C#. But that was different. I imported web-references and used whatever was built from "our" supplier...
But this was my first "proffesional" application. The purpose of the application was to filter out mails by date, and print out attachments by date, in two different formats. First page was a "cover-page", and the second was an attachment in the filetype .pdf, that was X-pages of stickers, that could be taken out from the subject of the mail. The project started June'2019, as a curiosity from my side. First commit to GitHub was in September'2019, after the project was approved from my employer.
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- Written by Frode Meek
- Parent Category: Datorer
- Category: Programmering
- Hits: 770
In the Communicating with the REST API-article I got order-info using cURL, HTTP GET - method. Now I'm going to create an order using cURL, JSON-datafile and HTTP PUT - method.
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- Written by Frode Meek
- Parent Category: Datorer
- Category: Programmering
- Hits: 1503
I was curious about this after reading an article about how to decrypt Fallout76 's codes. I followed the steps and wrote a PHP-script to automate it. Just for fun, since Nukacrypt has hacked it a long time ago and you don't need any of the codes or codeword that reveals itself after the last day of the week. I'm guessing approximateley sunday night depending on where you live in the world??? I'm not sure...but it was fun to do anyway. Read on...
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- Written by Frode Meek
- Parent Category: Datorer
- Category: Programmering
- Hits: 1230
So our WMS-deliverer has now made a REST API. After testing it I must say that it's a bit easier to handle. Compared to working with SOAP. At least from the client-side. The developer site for this is here: https://developer.ongoingwarehouse.com/REST/v1/index.html#/
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