After a year(a year??? (maybe 2,5years )) of Fallout76 the game is actually turning to be allright. I've played it alot since the official launch, and my bad review of the game in the article Fallout 76 - one week and going . After reaching level ≈150 (I don't remember exactly) I found out I had messed up my talents, so I wanted to start from the beginning. It felt easier to start over. Anyway..what I'm going to talk about here is the situation where your keyboard has another keymapping than the english. My keyboard is a Norwegian-QWERTY type of keyboard, with all it's quirks compared to an english keyboard.
Actually I had big hopes about this. Play online again with a friend. Actually we did; one day. The next day we had no such chance...but ok...give the "company" a chance to modify or fix bugs...
Har faktisk skaffet meg Fallout 4. Kjøpte meg Fallout 3 for ei tid siden men det fungerte veldig dårlig på PC(mange bøggs som jeg ikke klarte å fikse uansett ha slags råd som jeg fant på nettet). Så jeg fant ut at jeg bare måtte prøve Fallout 4 (i håp om at det fungerte bedre på PC enn det forrige). Men nok om det...