Actually I had big hopes about this. Play online again with a friend. Actually we did; one day. The next day we had no such chance...but ok...give the "company" a chance to modify or fix bugs...
Logged in to the servers now and then and did the quests...tried once more to connect with a "friend". FAILED....ok...we agreed that this sucks (socially, and online-wise)...but thought that I'd at least continue solo since I'm curious. 2018.11.22 they had some server cleanup-stuff they had to do. The next day..TODAY I thought I'd play a little and what happened:
If you understand this picture everything is gone...Fallout 76 is a FLOP and should never have been released. Even though they have all my respect towardsFallout 4 at least...this is really a robbery...worst piece of crap ever realeased as a "release".
The problem in the first place was that my friend accidently had hit the "ban"-button(or something like that), and he could not unban me from Fallout 76. The fix for this was to install another game from the free game), go into that games social-site and stop the ban....(inside this newly-installed game). This was not an option in Fallout76. Really not good.
But hey: At least it's "fixed".
In short:
1.) I installed "The Elder Scrolls - Legends" (free):
2.) Start the game(play)
3.)Find the social button and unban your friend:
This was really irritating. To have to install another game to fix a feature which should of been in Fallout76.